  • Step 1 - upload files style.css, upload.packed.js, upload.php to your server
  • Step 2 - include javascript and css files to the head section of your page
  • <head>
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css' />
    <script type='text/javascript' src='upload.packed.js'></script>
    upload.packed.js contains: jQuery 1.12.4.min.js, jquery.uploadifive.min.js, myupload.js
  • Step 3 - create upload folder with write rights on your server
  • Step 4 - place uploader on your website and specify the path parameter with the path to the folder created in step 3
  • eg.
    <input id="uploader" type="file" path="files/" multi="true" afterUpload="link" />
    You can also use other parameters, which are described in the documentation