Documentation - aviable options
path - The path to the folder you would like to save the files to. End's with '/'
auto - true - files will be uploaded on select, false - files will be uploaded after click on upload button
multi - true - multiple file uploads, false - one file upload
maxSize - The maximum upload file size in kilo bytes (KB). Possible units: KB, MB, GB. When using without unit, then KB will be applied.
buttonCaption - Upload button caption. Specify just if you use auto="false"
afterUpload - Message that appears after upload or link - link to file appears after upload
fileType - The type of files allowed for upload. This is taken from the file’s mime type. For example 'image/png'. To allow all files, set this value to false. To accept a set of files with different MIME types, separate each with a comma ',' character, example: image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif. For a complete list of MIME types, please visit Media Types at
buttonClass - Custom css class to add for a button.
bwidth - Custom upload button width in pixels
bheight - Custom upload button height in pixels
buttonText - Caption of browse files button.
queueId - The id of the custom upload queue